Creative Services

Clothes maketh man; Creative maketh thought leader.

Thought leaders need to present their ideas, but…

They have no idea how to do it in away that makes them look good.

They don’t understand the power of storytelling and their messages fall flat because of it.

They are thought leaders in their field, not in the art of design or filmmaking, its too much work to do both.

Their lack of an aesthetic look has cost them hundreds of opportunities.

We see your efforts and understand why you need us.


The Lunar Yeti team has developed a robust Framework for creating beautiful, compelling visual art that draws an audience in.


We make designs. Everyday. We’ve gotten so good at it that we understand how to make messages reach wider audiences.

Certified by Professonals

Our team is certified by prestigious organizations such as HubSpot, The Lean Six Sigma company & Blackmagic design.

Our Creative process is super easy to get started.

Don‘t worry we got your back from start to finish.


We start by understanding who you are and what makes you tick. Then we plot out the plan for the creative work.


We follow our pre-production plan and start producing our best creative work that makes you stand out from the crowd.

Post-Production & Delivery

We dial in the last stages of the production and get your feedback and once everything is done we deliver a perfect creative package to you.

Why use creative services for thought leadership?

Look like an authority figure in the field.

Without great creative your video or graphics design thought leadership is going to look amateur. Amateurs can’t possibly be thought leaders now can they?

It’s pleasing to the eye.

People love a good message, but when that message is so ugly it induces a headache then that message never reaches them.

Monetization opportunities come to those who prepare.

No one goes to an interview dressed like a homeless person, neither should you expect opportunities to come your way if your thought leadership videos or posts look like trash.

Create much better

and more consistent messages. It makes the content creation process way easier.


Attract the right crowd

Your creative look follows your brand. This appeals to the right people helping you build your audience.

Be proud

feel really good about showing off your brand to the world.

Don’t let the world down.

Thought leaders need to stand out to make it. No creative means:

You look like an amateur

and amateurs can’t be very good to work with or be inspired by.

No one is paying attention

because your ideas are presented poorly and look bad.

Opportunities to monetize don’t materialize

because your ideas are presented in a amateur and unattractive way its too risky working with you.

No single message is consistent.

Confusing audiences and will always be your hallmark. Content creation will always feel hard.


Spend too much time

attracting the wrong kind of attention or no attention at all. People aren’t resonating and when they are its the wrong kind of people

Clients are a pain to work with

and undercut your price at every turn.

live in Shame

because you never achive what you were meant to.

Don’t worry, we won’t let you fail.

We’ll help you build an audience around your specific thought leadership.

Book a discovery call with us and we will guide you to success & help you avoid the worst-case scenario highlighted above.

Not ready to make a commitment yet?

No problem. Try some of our free resources to help you on your journey. You can always reach out to us when you are ready.